Predicted nursing shortfall: Addressing the efficient use of resources

Australia is facing a nursing crisis. CareLineLive's features support the efficient use of resources.
Merina Martin
7th August 2024

Australian nursing plays a crucial role in Australia’s healthcare system, constituting over 40% of the healthcare workforce and standing as the largest health profession in the nation. The Department of Health and Aged Care has shed light on this issue, emphasising that the imbalance between supply and demand is a challenge that is likely to persist for more than a decade. The Nursing Supply and Demand Study, which compiled data from various sources spanning from 2014 to 2022, shows the projected shortage of nurses in Australia is extremely concerning.

Nursing statistics reveal a significant shortage

Aged care in particular, is facing significant challenges in recruiting and retaining nurses and staff. Various factors play a role in both attracting and deterring staff members. These include problems such as insufficient remuneration and soaring rental and property costs, making it financially burdensome for many individuals employed in aged care. Our white paper delves into the recruitment and retention crisis prevalent in the industry, specifically honing in on the aged care sector.

Australian College of Nursing (ACN) interim CEO Emeritus Professor Leanne Boyd, has stated that ‘The governments need to be doing more to build a workforce necessary for the future’. See the full article here.

While policy changes are necessary, immediate improvements can be made by adopting technologies like CareLineLive to enhance operational efficiency and care quality.

Technology plays a crucial role in enabling efficient utilisation of resources

It is crucial to leverage technology to enhance proactive care efficiencies, especially considering the challenges faced by the aged care sector in rural areas. Having the right technology to stay abreast of client records, home care visitation, care needs, and medications is critical.

CareLineLive can increase care capacity without additional staffing. Inefficiencies in manual systems are stressful and time consuming for both office and care staff. Discover the perspectives of carers who were initially doubtful about the advantages of technology but have now experienced working with CareLineLive.

Additionally, without doubt CareLineLive’s features not only make any service run much more efficiently but the features also give peace of mind that the safeguarding of people using your service is a priority. Here are some of our features that will without doubt support your business’ effectiveness:

  • Care Rostering and Management
  • Electronic Visit Records including eMAR
  • Care planning, compliance, client safety and reporting
  • Payroll and invoicing
  • Care Circle Portal

Discover More:

Explore the full potential of CareLineLive and join the movement to improve the aged care sector. Learn more about how our solution can transform your operations and provide peace of mind for both staff and clients.

Together, we can bridge the gap in nursing and staff shortages and ensure a sustainable future for Australia’s aged care.

To discover how CareLineLive can assist in effectively managing resources, schedule a no-obligation demo here.

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