Gemma Gray is CareLineLive’s sales administrator and telemarketer which often means she makes the first point of contact with our prospective customers. She’ll discuss their needs and the challenges they may be facing within their care business so that she can establish how CareLineLive may be able to best support them moving forwards.
What did you do before joining CareLineLive?
My professional background has been in print media sales having always taken a consultative approach towards my sales roles so that I can really get to know customers to find the best solutions to their current situations. It has always been important to me to work together with customers to find the most appropriate route to successfully achieving their objectives, whatever they may be.
Why did you join CareLineLive?
From my first conversation with my MD, Josh Hough, it became clear that both CareLineLive and my own ethics were very much aligned. I loved the ethos of the company, in particular, the fact that CareLineLive really want to make a difference to the home care sector by tailoring our software in such a way that it reinforces a ‘person centred’ approach to care for both service users and care workers alike.
Best part of the job
In my role I get to speak with so many different people each day so, I learn something new all the time! I love expanding my knowledge and understanding of the sector which helps me to tackle new challenges head on.
Worst part of the job
For me it is when I can’t solve something for a customer, but that is why we work as a team, not everyone can know everything and I know if I am not sure myself, our amazing team are there in the blink of an eye to support me, and in turn, our customers.
What you most enjoy about working at CareLineLive?
The CLL team! I am so fortunate to work with really lovely people from the sales team to the support team everyone in between. The CLL team are all such great people to work with and you never feel like a lone ranger.
What is something that people in home care have to deal with that you want to help fix?
For me, it is hearing how stretched our care sector is. Our nurses and carers work so hard and still there just aren’t enough hours in the day so, my hope is that CareLineLive can streamline processes, ultimately allowing more time for quality care.
Surprising fact about you

In my spare time outside of work I sing in a duo, we do lots of charity showcases and events and just love spreading a little joy through music – even if our dance moves are somewhat questionable!