We’ve had two extremely well attended webinars this week (watch the recording below) to showcase our new partnership with Linniar who have developed a quality, compliance and auditing software specifically for the English market, namely CQC registered providers. But, don’t be alarmed if your service falls under the other regulatory organisations within the UK, Linniar will be developing the product to meet the needs of your services in the coming months!
However, it’s clear that the new CQC Single Assessment Framework mirrors the Care Inspectorates of Scotland and Wales somewhat and therefore, we would urge you to book a demo to find out how this software can help with compliance across any home care service in the UK and further afield.
Intuitive software
In terms of launching in the UK the software could not be launching at a better time with it’s features supporting learning, development and improvement of services through audits, surveys, self-assessment and self-evaluation. The software is intuitive with features that include a comprehensive Audit Programme, Quality Indicators and Plan for Continuous Improvement. Additionally the software will keep services informed of their position ahead of inspection by showing how well the service is meeting the Key Questions, Quality Statements, Regulation and the Fundamental Standards.
Continual assessment and planning for improvement
The self-assessments, audits and surveys link to a variety of reporting and quality features with the audit programme asking questions linking to the area being assessed. The applicable standards and regulations are available for reference and dependent on the answers they will feed through to the Plan for Continuous Improvement. These valuable features give a full picture of the identified areas for improvement through a clear end to end process which generates evidence of how improvements have been identified and right through to conclusion. Additionally, the software benchmarks the audits showing how they have impacted on the overall score of individual services and also how they have scored against other customers using the software.
Stress free integration
Integration with Linniar is simple and stress free!
Take a look at how this joint venture will benefit your service and book a demo here.
Watch the webinar recording