Kat Nicholls, Registered Manager at Delta Care, is a huge fan of CareLineLive and one of our “super users” in that she makes it a priority to understand and utilise as many new features that are rolled out as work for them.
We chatted to Kat on how they use the Incident Report. Kat says “We see the Incident Report as more of an Investigation Report than Incident Report and use it for far more than incidents. When we have a complaint or an investigation, the Incident Report is where we put all the information.”
Delta Care uses the report’s comments box to document meetings, conversations, text messages and more. She says that “The report effectively audits itself in documenting how you dealt with the incident leading you helpfully through how you have managed it in terms of meeting the CQC’s key lines of enquiry: being caring, effective, responsive, well led and safe.”
With all the information in one place it is really quick and easy to print and download as a pdf to send to commissioners, safeguarding etc – it opens a full investigation doc.

Kat says “I love the Incident Reports – my office team think I’m crazy – but you open the Incident Report up and everything needed is all in one place. You can even attach the CQC regulations and any supporting documents such as scans of hand written notes in the evidence section. Then you can download everything into a zip file so everything gets sent. It’s a really valuable tool.”
Delta Care regularly reviews a particular service user’s full list of incident reports to see if there are any patterns that will give insights into how they should change the service user’s care plan.
Delta Care is a domiciliary care agency based in the North West of England and has just celebrated its 30th birthday. Delta employs 220 care staff across 6 branches from Macclesfield to Blackpool and has been using CareLineLive since 2021 which was also the point at which they fully embraced digital record keeping.